Welcome To CAS

CAS is the leading independent IT support provider for Enterprise server, storage and networking equipment and maintenance services.

About Us

CAS Solutions established in Malaysia and we are providing IT Services to different industries across the Nation. As economy become more digital IT Hardware and Maintenance services is in huge demand to strengthen your firm and to compete against your competitor. It enhance your firm’s growth and achieve your company’s Vision and Mission.

We want our customer’s client should be happy and satisfied without any delayed job. All business plays a major role to develop their own firm by providing customers their best services on timely basis. In today’s business world technology is the most important thing to sustain in a business. Each firm has well planned schedules but if your downtime is high all your scheduled planning become messed up. The outage fired up your firm’s reputation and delayed your employees work schedule and you may also lose your valuable client. So for minimizing your downtime CAS Solutions IT professionals make preventive measures. We restore the dysfunctional system to normal on very speedy recovery.

We serve with Major IT support services as follows:

  • Server which delivers superior scaling capabilities.
  • Hard disk which stores large amount of data.
  • Server ideal for virtualization.
  • Required database and high-performance computing deployments.
  • Storage rich with customer required data bandwidth.
  • Suitable for workloads with extensive storage requirements.
Determined to support our customer’s IT hardware and maintenance support services.
Enforce customized technical services with professional IT experts and to fulfill our customer’s customized requirements.

Want to prevent your downtime?

Not sure how to recover from issues arising in IT hardware devices then you are in right place you can get expert advice and get the work done ASAP.